Haekyung 15th March 2020

I also want to chime in and thank God for the fantastic influence that my father has been to me. I can recall when I was a child in Korea receiving this mysterious wooden package from America. My father had sent us a piano from America! We were all so excited but I don’t think anyone benefited from it more than myself. What I learned there playing the piano has been the foundation for all of my musical studies in America. And I also owe a debt of gratitude to my father for bringing us all to America because not only did we get a good education but for me personally this was where I met the Lord Jesus. On a random evening we happened to be watching Billy Graham on TV. And somehow God used that message to help me understand the gospel for the first time in my life. There I gave my life to Christ and he has given me the assurance of salvation, the joy of praying and being in his word. And I also attribute to my father for finding me the best piano teacher that I could have ever had. He took me one day to American Conservatory of Music in Chicago and arranged piano lessons for me and it was my joy to go to downtown Chicago to take those piano lessons on Friday afternoons for several years. That experience with my teacher Mary Petrulis has been unforgettable. And I also have to thank my father for pushing me to get my drivers license. After failed attempts I was about to give up. I said to father “I don’t think I can do this” and he said to me in effect “What are you talking about? you can’t function in society without a drivers license.“ And he made me practice driving so many times that when I went for my fourth driving test, the examiner said in the first few minutes “you’ve been driving a lot” and gave me the license right away. And I also am thankful that father pushed me to do accompanying at the church. At the time it was very hectic and time- consuming but looking back I am so thankful. God gave me a love of accompanying and I still do that for high school middle school and elementary students. Finally I am so thankful that he arranged a blind date for me to meet Jay. Although I grumbled in my heart I submitted to his plan and I’ve been so thankful for how God has blessed me through that. I know you all have many other stories. But I know I owe so much to my father. I’m so grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me my earthly father. Haekyung