Jason (Chung-eun) 15th March 2020

Uncle Myung Jae is my greatest mentor for my whole life. I came to USA after I graduated from high school in Korea, and wanted to study after I worked at a factory for a year in Chicago. But, nobody said positively about my study because I didn’t know any English at that time and they thought it was too late to study. I didn’t’ know what to do by myself because I didn’t know anything about the school system in USA, and didn’t know any English. Then, my uncle took me to a city college, and helped me to register classes there. He was only the person who said positively to me and encouraged me, saying “You can do it!.” He also helped me to drive freeway when I first got the driver’s license. It was very nervous first time, but was very exciting later! Besides that, when I was struggling about going to a seminary while I was still at a college. He gave me a great advice that is still greatly affecting my life up to this point. By meeting him in my life, the direction of my whole life greatly changed. I have never forgotten my gratitude for him, and I will never forget it. Thank you, Uncle! See you in heaven soon. In love, Nephew Jason (Chung-eun)