Bob Dowdell 15th March 2020

As I think back, I become even more awed at what a great man, both of faith and of efforts, Myung Jae Lee was. We, and many others, are the clear beneficiaries of how his life blessed us Among my specific recollections are the first time he and I met in a restaurant around Lincoln and Fullerton, after Grace and I had been dating for some time. I was highly resented by the family, but he decided after our meeting, our marriage was meant to be, and very soon after, he had everyone over to pray about it, and accept our union. It was an amazing decision and process to witness, let alone being being a principal in the scene. The second was when Grace and I went to Korea in 1976, right after the Panmunjom incident - a period of very high anxiety among the South Koreans. We were there for a couple of weeks, meeting many people (there were still many members of the Lee family and other friends there). We brought back Praying Halmoni with us, and we were greeted at the airport by many friends and family, bearing gifts of all types. A large number of people came to me, and gave me bundles of $20 bills (US), to the point where all my jacket and pants pockets were full. so Grace had to carry some of it. I asked a couple of them what I was supposed to do with the money, which, as best as i could see, wasn't even marked for identification. They simply said, give it to your father-in-law, it will be fine. His reputation was well known, and well deserved. Thirdly, Grace and I were working at the Speigel Catalog Company, where we got the 25% employee discount. When Reverend Lee sponsored one family after another into America (it took $7,000 to show responsibility), he got them an apartment, a job, and a color TV from Speigel's, I presume to help them with their English. There were a number of TV's - pretty amazing> There are many other examples of his tremendous impact (just look at his family), and it is up to us to keep that level of faith, compassion and leadership that he showed all of us Thank you